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I am a PhD candidate at the University of New South Wales, studying mammal vocalisations. I am interested in the acoustic behaviour of animals, in particular mammals, looking at the sounds they make, what they mean, and how time and an ever-changing environment influence and shape them. 

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My current research uses a broad-scale macroecological approach to compare the acoustic communication of mammals. In particular, I’m interested in looking at the different aspects of a species’ lifestyle and development and how they influence the sounds they produce and hear.


My research also speaks to the current topical issue of re-wilding and reintroduction of animals into their natural habitats. I am interested in investigating how human interaction and long-term exposure to other species influence vocal development in mammals, with the aim of giving these reintroduction programs an increased chance of success in the long-term.


I completed a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) with 1st Class Honours at University of New South Wales in 2013. During that time I focused on ecology and evolution, and majored in zoology.


I am a laboratory demonstrator for 2nd and 3rd year evolution and ecology courses, which involved providing support during practicals and mentoring student groups for major assignments. I was also invited to present a lecture on communication to the 2nd year cohort.


My interests lie in all things animal behaviour oriented. I also enjoy studying ecological and evolutionary processes, so if I can find a way to combine all those interests, that makes me a happy biologist.

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  • Ecology & Evolution Research Centre (UNSW) Postgraduate start-up grant.

  • Australian Mammal Society student travel award.

  • School of Biological Earth & Environmental Sciences (UNSW) Evolution and ecology research prize.

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Martin, K., Tucker, M.A., Rogers, T. Does size matter? Examining the drivers of mammalian vocalizations, Evolution 2017, 71(2)


Lucke, K., Van Dun, B., Gardner-Berry, K., Carter, L., Martin, K., Rogers, T., Tripovich, J.S. Click-evoked auditory brainstem responses in an Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea, Aquatic Mammals 2016, 42(2)

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